Monday, June 9, 2014

Doing Training Routines at Narconon Gave Me Better Understanding

Doing Training Routines at Narconon Gave Me Better Understanding
One of the first parts of the Narconon Arrowhead drug rehab program is the Training Routines Course. This course has a series of drills that help former drug users with communication, to raise their confront and teach them to use good control. This is what one Narconon Arrowhead patient had to say about his experience on the course:

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Narconon Patient’s Graduation Speech Outlines Program Wins

Narconon Patient’s Graduation Speech Outlines Program Wins
One of the most difficult actions for a substance abuser to undertake is to look inward and confront himself and his problems with drugs or alcohol.  In fact, most substance abuse occurs because an individual encounters some difficulty in their life that they cannot face and resolve.  Drugs can suppress the sensations or emotions involved in dealing with life problems, and make the user feel temporarily relieved or freed from difficulties.  Unfortunately, drugs can also take over the individual’s life, making them feel unable to truly live life happily and prosperously.  Luckily, successful drug rehabilitation treatment can help an individual confront himself and the problems he faces in life, resolve his problems with substance abuse and restore their hope of a healthy, happy future.

A Narconon Graduate’s Successes

Lisa is a recent graduate of the Narconon Arrowhead rehabilitation program.  At her graduation ceremony Lisa shared her experiences and many successes with the program.  Her wins not only illustrate the effectiveness of the Narconon program, but they also give hope to others who are struggling with substance abuse and perhaps feel there is no way out.

The Narconon program begins with a drug-free withdrawal and sauna detoxification program, helping the individual eliminate the immediate effects of drugs.  As Lisa’s body rid itself of drug chemicals and toxins, Lisa began to feel healthier and happier than she had in years.

After withdrawal and detoxification, Narconon program students move on into life skills courses that teach them how to confront and resolve their past problems and the damages they created for themselves and others.  They also arm an individual with the tools they need to create a prosperous, happy future.  Lisa says that the first course was difficult because it made her confront herself, something she was terrified to do.  At first, she couldn’t understand why it scared her so badly to close her eyes, but over time Lisa came to understand that she was having difficulty confronting herself. With support and encouragement from Narconon staff, Lisa was able to overcome this difficulty and comfortably confront herself and her life.

In Lisa’s next course, she learned to face problems in life and finish things once she had started them.  While on this course Lisa went through many different emotions and strengthened many areas that she felt had been weak.  She learned the true meaning of the phrase, “The way out is the way through,” and pushed through to course completion.  Eventually, Lisa felt she was shedding her old self and gaining the knowledge she needed to confidently move forward and create a good life.

Lisa really appreciated the life skills course that helped her determine the characteristics that define a dangerous personality so that she could stay away from these individuals.  She understood that while it was her own choice to use drugs, dangerous personalities around her could drive her toward poor decisions in life.

As Lisa began the final Narconon life skills course, she felt that everything she had worked on and learned to that point was finally coming together to allow her to complete her full rehabilitation.  She realized that there is the possibility of being loved by individuals who have no hidden agenda or ulterior motives.  She restored her feelings of self-confidence, self-respect and dignity and understood that she alone determined her future. 

Lisa says that after years of struggling with addiction she was able to not only get her life back, but also gained the tools and ability to create an even better life than she’d previously imagined was possible.   She arrived at Narconon broken and lost, unable to see a way out of the struggles she found herself in.  With help and support, she found herself, clean and clear of drugs.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

How Narconon Arrowhead Saved My Life

How Narconon Arrowhead Saved My Life
Many substance abusers will firmly assert that they do not have a drug problem, that they can stop their drug use at any time, that drug use does not affect them, that they don’t need help and a host of other similar false statements.  Some of them truly do not believe that they have a drug problem because the physical, emotional and psychological changes that have occurred as a result of their drug use may have been so subtle as to be undetectable.  Others may be ignoring the problem because they feel that they must take drugs to feel normal or to survive a certain condition or pattern in their life.  Then there are those who know that drugs are ruining their life and that if they don’t get help and resolve their addiction, it is likely that they will lose their life.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Narconon Arrowhead Was My First Rehab and My Last

Narconon Arrowhead Was My First Rehab and My Last
The following is a testimonial from a Narconon Arrowhead Graduate named Christina M. on her experience with the program:

Hi everyone! I'm Christina, a 20 year old from Ohio, and also a former student and employee of Narconon Arrowhead. I came there without intentions of what Narconon was all about. It was my first rehab and my last! I finished the program in four months and worked there for two. There was so much I learned about whom I truly feel I am. With the help of the staff members and each and every one of the courses, (sauna being my favorite), the program helped me change how I thought of everything mentally, emotionally, and physically.