Thursday, February 27, 2014

How Narconon Arrowhead Saved My Life

How Narconon Arrowhead Saved My Life
Many substance abusers will firmly assert that they do not have a drug problem, that they can stop their drug use at any time, that drug use does not affect them, that they don’t need help and a host of other similar false statements.  Some of them truly do not believe that they have a drug problem because the physical, emotional and psychological changes that have occurred as a result of their drug use may have been so subtle as to be undetectable.  Others may be ignoring the problem because they feel that they must take drugs to feel normal or to survive a certain condition or pattern in their life.  Then there are those who know that drugs are ruining their life and that if they don’t get help and resolve their addiction, it is likely that they will lose their life.

For those individuals who seek help in resolving their problems with addiction, attending rehabilitation treatment seems like a logical choice.  Unfortunately, not all treatment programs or facilities are created equal, and not all programs successfully restore patients to healthy, productive lives.  An individual who agrees to participate in treatment and then relapses into drug use after discharge can feel disheartened.  If the pattern repeats itself several times the individual can begin to believe that they are alone in their struggles against addiction, and that they cannot be saved or cured of their addiction. 

Narconon is different from traditional rehabilitation treatment programs, providing drug-free withdrawal, a sauna detoxification program and extensive life skills courses.  In many cases individuals who have failed to achieve freedom from drugs despite participating in several other treatment programs have achieved that freedom, and much more, from the Narconon program.

Enrolling in Narconon Arrowhead Rehab Program

C. was just over 18 when she enrolled in the Narconon drug rehabilitation program for help with her substance abuse problems.  She didn’t really know what to expect - it was her first rehabilitation treatment experience and she had heard plenty of stories about rehab.  Luckily, C. is one of the few individuals who participated in one single rehabilitation program and therein achieved the freedom from drugs and true happiness she desired.

C.’s Narconon program took four months for her to complete.  She participated in a drug-free withdrawal and sauna detoxification program, effectively ridding her body of all drug chemicals.  This was her favorite part of the program because it allowed her to finally experience freedom from cravings and feel genuine hope that she would be able to live without drugs in her future.  She also figured out why she had turned to drugs in the first place, and took responsibility for her decision to take drugs.  She learned more about herself and was able to change how she thought about things, thinking more calmly than impulsively. 

One of the Narconon life skills courses helped C. learn how to spot the negative people and situations in her life.  She was able to recognize that some of her friends were not truly friends, and she needed to let go of those relationships.  C. let go of the negative parts of life that she had been holding onto, and her everyday routine changed to include positive actions.  After graduating from her Narconon program, C. participated in an extensive training program and worked at Narconon for several months, helping others overcome their problems with addiction.

One of the things C. came to understand through her program was that just because one encounters difficulties in life does not mean they cannot make it through.  She understands that each individual needs to understand how to control and handle life, because no one can resolve life difficulties except the individual himself. 

C. is now very happy, strong and independent.  She left Narconon and was able to really start her life.  She finished school and enrolled in college to pursue a career as a veterinarian technician.  While the road out of substance abuse and into the real world has been rough, scary and very challenging at times, she now understands that it takes hard work and perseverance to overcome the difficulties of life and successfully reach one’s goals.  There is no doubt in her mind that enrolling in the Narconon program is the best thing she could have done for herself, and she encourages others to travel the same path to freedom and happiness.

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