Wednesday, September 18, 2013

My Life Improved After Doing Courses Through Narconon Arrowhead

My Life Improved After Doing Courses Through Narconon Arrowhead
When you look at me, you would never think I had any addiction problems. I never had an addiction or any major behavior problems growing up, however it doesn’t mean it wasn’t a problem in my life. I’m sure a lot of people can relate. For me, I never had a problem until Christmas of 2010 when everything from addiction to uncontrolled behavior intertwined. Prior to that day, at age 24, I had a brand new house which was paid by a successful construction company ran by my husband and myself. I just had a newborn and a two year old. Life couldn't have been better. Until he relapse after eight years of sobriety.

Looking back, there were obvious signs. However I was in complete denial. The late nights partying; the missing money; and the missing belongings didn’t alarm me. Then in November, he left the state with me holding my week-old baby in my arms and my one year old girl holding tight to my leg standing on a patio that was about to be bank-owned because he had gambled our mortgage payments away while he was high on speed for the third day straight. I believed him when he said he was going to get our money back and come home. Of course, this didn’t happen. A week went by, two weeks, then three. He promised me to take me out on dates and we even spoke of having another baby. However Christmas was around the corner and he hasn’t made any plans to come home. And this is another month we are late on our mortgage. As you can imagine, this left me in a state of fear and depression. A mixture of emotions overwhelmed me and I was diagnosed with severe depression. Out of curiosity of this little pill, I accepted it and it caused me to become a vegetable in mind and body. I had to get off 
of the medication.

Getting Back on My Feet

With the help of my family, they helped me get back on my feet. I decided to move to Oklahoma to start new so they wouldn't have to help me out as much. This is when I came across Narconon for the first time. I was fortunate enough for Narconon to allow me to participate in their program. The first book taught about training routines. These routines taught me to overcome a lot of fears I had in the past due to my crumbled marriage, the abuse I endured and even fears from my childhood I never overcame. Most importantly, as a single mother, the training routines have taught me how to handle situations that can be dicey when it comes to raising toddlers on your own. So just with Book 1, I have already noticed that I have become patient and understanding with my children. I am anticipating on continuing my life-improvement courses with this program.
Just because I don't have the physical scars of addiction, it doesn't mean I don't have any from it. 

This review shows that addiction can affect anyone whether its through illicit use or prescriptions. Ultimately the goal is finding the right solution to overcome the problem or loss in life without drugs. For more information on Narconon Arrowhead’s Life Improvement Courses visit our main site at

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